How to Host a Successful Meeting
- WHY? The first meeting is important in determining what tenants might want to fight for and coming up with a plan of action.
- Common issues: Tenant displacement (i.e. renoviction, demoviction, buyouts), lack of repairs and pest control, rent increases, harassment.
- Make an agenda to help keep you and the group on track.
- Generally, a minimum of 2 people should plan and develop the written agenda.
- Example of Agenda (Below). Have time limits and leaders for each section:
- Welcome and a quick round of names – 7 min (Sandy)
- Brainstorm on issues [to determine the group’s goals] – 20 min (Lucy)
- Vote on forming a Tenant Union with ACORN – 5 min (Sandy)
- Outreach – 15 min (Sam)
- Action plan (demands, target), discuss tactics – 30 min (Lucy)
- At the meeting:
- Arrive early and have materials printed and room in order, set up.
- Materials:
- Printed agenda, Sign in sheet, membership cards, other materials like recent newspaper articles about ACORN and tenants fighting back, know your rights flyers.
- Get someone to make sure everyone fills out the sign in sheet.
- Recognize and welcome new people!
- Welcome everyone and start in a timely fashion.
- Make sure everyone is participating and the conversation isn’t dominated by a couple of people.
- Have someone take notes to keep track of ideas and action plans.
- Set up a way of getting in touch with everyone after the meeting (ie. a WhatsApp group, phone tree, email chain, etc.)
- Try to keep meetings limited to 60 to 90 minutes.
- Don’t forget to plan an ACTION! No ‘meetings about meetings’ – respect everyone’s time by using meetings to move demands and goals forward.
- Make sure to say goodbye to all the people at the meeting.